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Long-period seismicity at Shishaldin volcano (Alaska) in 2003–2004: Indications of an upward migration of the source before a minor eruption

机译:2003 - 2004年shishaldin火山(阿拉斯加州)的长期地震活动:在小火山喷发之前向外迁移的迹象



We have analyzed the long-period (LP) seismic activity at Shishaldin volcano (Aleutians Islands, Alaska) in theperiod October 2003–July 2004, during which a minor eruption took place in May 2004, with ash and steamemissions, thermal anomalies, volcanic tremor and small explosions. We have focused the attention on thetime evolution of LP rate, size, spectra and polarization dip angle along the dataset.We find an evolution toward more shallow dip angles in the polarization of the waveforms during the sequence.The dip angle is a manifestation of the source location. Because the LP seismic sources are presumed to reflect theaggregation of gas slug or pockets within the melt, we use the polarization dip at the LP onset as a proxy for thenucleation depth of the seismic events within the conduit. We refer to this parameter as the nucleation dip andthe position along the conduit of the gas aggregation as nucleation depth.The nucleation dip changes throughout the dataset. It shows a sharp decrease between the end of December 2003and the end of January 2004, followed by a gradual increase until the onset of the eruption. At the same time, ageneral increase of the LP rate occurs. We have associated the dip evolution with a sinking and a subsequentdecrease of the nucleation depth, which would quickly migrate up to about 8 km below the crater rim, followedby a slow depth decrease which culminates in the eruption.The change in the nucleation depth reflects either a pressure variationwithin the plumbing system,whichwouldaffect the confining pressure experienced by the gas aggregations. We have imputed such a pressure change tothe intrusion of batches of magma from a deeper magma chamber (b10 km) toward a shallower one (N5 km).For a cylindric conduit with rigid walls, this leads to a volume of the injected new magma of 105–107 m3,compatible with estimates in other areas, suggesting that the LP process can be considered a good proxy of thethermodynamical conditions of the shallow plumbing system.
机译:我们分析了Shishaldin火山(阿拉斯加阿留申群岛)的长期地震活动(2003年10月至2004年7月),在2004年5月发生了一次小规模喷发,其中有火山灰和蒸汽排放,热异常,火山震颤和小爆炸。我们将注意力集中在沿数据集的LP速率,大小,频谱和极化倾角的时间演化上,我们发现序列中波形的极化向更浅倾角的演化。源位置。因为假定LP地震源反映了熔体中气团或气穴的聚集,所以我们使用LP起始处的极化倾角作为管道内地震事件成核深度的代表。我们将此参数称为成核倾角,并将气体聚集沿管道的位置称为成核深度。整个数据集中,成核倾角会发生变化。从2003年12月底到2004年1月底,它急剧下降,随后逐渐增加,直到爆发。同时,LP率普遍增加。我们将倾角的演变与下沉和随后成核深度的减少相关联,成核深度的下降会迅速迁移到火山口边缘以下约8 km,随后深度缓慢减小,最终导致喷发。成核深度的变化反映了管道系统中的压力变化,它将影响气体聚集体所承受的围压。我们推测这样的压力变化会导致一批岩浆从较深的岩浆室(b10 km)向较浅的岩浆室(N5 km)侵入。对于具有刚性壁的圆柱形导管,这会导致注入一定数量的新岩浆105-107 m3,与其他地区的估计值相符,这表明LP过程可以被认为是浅水暖系统热力学条件的良好替代。



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